
ahhhh what a nice birthday!!!!!
akhirnya.kirain bakal membetekan.taunya gak juga.
dimulai dengan pagi yang standar: pergi ke atheroz,buka gf.
trus siang makan2 di pizza hut bsm sama keluarga...
naek ferris wheel for the first time
trus malemnya balik lagi ke bsm, ke pizza lagi tapi sama renjer dan pinky and d brain
i want the second ferris wheel but he didnt understand.....
ergh .....
(terobsesi komik)

ah,tau gak, jadi makin pengen plan a gw terwujud *ssst it's one of my bday wishes...
gak ada jam malem.
spending my time with my man all the time.
gak ada yang ngelarang....

roti buaya ituh....

ah udah ah....


windy maulidya nazla said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TU YUUUHHH>>>HAPPY BIRThday tu yuuuuhhh...happy birthday dear ameeeeelll..happy birthday tu yuuuhhh...

standupstandupstandup and take a bow
sit downsitdown we've had enough of you now...

windy schmindy