
wah.... hari2 belakangan ini gw sibuk.kakek gw sakit, tugas jaga deh gw, udah gitu yang sedihnya mbah gw yang perempuan meninggal,gara2 kanker rahim..hix..padahal blom sempet nengok,pas dateng udah nggak ada lagi mbah cuma bisa liat pas dimandiin sampe dikubur.gak bisa ngobrol lagi...sedih suka gitu deh,i feel that i love someone when i lose her/him.bodoh.kalo udah ditinggal baru deh kerasa,kangennya,sayangnya,dll...
ah,tapi gw tidak mau berlama2 sedih....
oh iya, tadi pas gw mo les masa gw digodain cowo..hahahahhahaha
i know that i look good today.i'm obviously sure about that.haha
cakep juga yang godain,yah walaupun gak cakep2 amat..(vespanya juga gak cakep sih,hahah,kiddin')
tapi lumayanlah,putih...jangkung
ketemu di supratman,pas mo nyegat angkot...
diajak bareng,tapi gak lah ya.i'm not that easy.
today plan:ngeceng ah, lagi oke nih gw...
(tapi kecengan asli gw lagi gak di sini,hahah,dodol)

fiuh...hard day.hmm......dunno what2say...
i can still feel a bit pain...
but however...that's maybe the last time to hurt you,hurt me.
....the last time of us.
then we turn to me-myself and you-yourself.
another relationship gonna be better.
love me in another way
love you in another way

last night, i still dream of you

is that the last one?

i'm so sorry for what i've said yesterday
for what i have to choose
for what i've done.
but that's the best way-i guess-.


i'm goin nowhere.
i'm still here if u need me.