well, i'm friggin' trying to get leaner. i mean, come oooon, i thought i was already that slim, except when i look at my flabby belly XD
but then when i figured out that i still got this 25% fat in my body mass, i was like, eww..
so then me and yurra decided to join goldsgym, as i said in previous post. i'm trying to be slimmer, when he's tryin to get bigger, sexier, and more muscular.
so far doin some workout at gym with my boyfriend is actually help a bit, now i can really feel somethin strong in my used-to-super-flabby-arm. is thaaaaat my biceps? gyahahahha gooood then. wondering how great this 12 weeks transformation wud be, i decided to make blog posts about it. i forgot to take pictures before the first time i went to the gym and start to work out 6 days a week, but well, what's wrong with start recording it now?
so here am i, still got flabby belly because i dont really work hard on that part, much more on toning my flabby arm. hell yeah i want to have toned arm just like evangeline lily or jessica biel. do you think it's gonna happen, or not? lets see my next posts then.
well, we decided to join gold's gym together.
yurra is the one who really really into it. kalo gw sih kan ya orangnya kalo malas ya ngga pergi, dan banyakan malasnya daripada keinginan berangkatnya. alhasil jadwal gym gw kalo cuma gym sendirian ya belang betong. tapi kali ini bareng yurra, jadi apa daya, dia semangat ngegym tiap hari, ya mo gimana lagi, gw sih sebagai kekasih ikut2 sajyah... lumayan jugak ada penambah semangat.
tapi sebel dong pas kemarenan konsul ke ahli nutrisi terus ngukur body fat index, masa yurra cuman 5,7% fat nya, termasuk kategori athlete. sementara gw??? iiiih 26% , above average dooong, padahal kan ya sudah merasa langsing, makan diatur, sementara yurra makan apa saja banyak sekali serabutan itu.
huuuuuuh, cardio cardio cardio cardio, berangkat ah....